GREAT call with our Saltwater Generator (SWG) manufacturer today. (OBTW: they also make the highly popular Gel Blaster).
If we keep this up, WiGL is only a couple steps away from shelves. Super Excited!
Our SWG is not only born out of convenience for leisure outdoor activities, but also for the vital situations when the power goes out. As climates and weather around the world becomes increasingly unpredictable and storms become more devastating it’s clear that a single power grids can no longer be the only solution. Our SWG or WiGL eNERGY devices could be vital in times of crisis.
We have begun transitioning WiGL eNERGY from primarily a DoD device for Power Forward…to a commercially available disaster preparedness devices. WiGL eNERGY can be used for hurricanes, tornados, flooding and/or other disasters…that turn the lights out. A portable WiGL eNERGY device will be critically important when gas or diesel generators aren’t able to get gas fuels.
Our SWG runs on water…a readily available resource.
Look for more SWG updates from WiGL and our partners in the coming days.
Let’s WiGL 2022!
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