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About WiGL

Fully powered, fully wireless

WiGL aims to help people ditch cords and wires. Imagine one day getting electrical power the same way we wirelessly get onto internet networks today.

WiGL has developed and demonstrated technologies that would enable you to log onto an over-the-air wireless electrical power WiGL network and power or recharge your devices while you use them on the move.

Limited battery technologies can’t keep up with IoT

Internet of Things (IoT) devices operate 24/7, mainly operated by batteries. However, even the latest battery technology has limited autonomy, long charge-times, high costs, harsh environmental impact, and risks of accidents. All of these issues can restrain the power and potential to fully implement IoT into our lives.

Today’s definition of wireless must also include wireless electrical powernetworks to overcome battery limitations or 24/7 mobile power needs.


Commercialization on the Horizon

2024 promises to be an exciting year for WiGL as the focus shifts from U.S. Military research and development to commercialization. While product development will still be at the forefront of the company’s goals, WiGL is hoping to have two products ready to hit the market for consumers and loyal investors. 

WiGL Salt-Water Power Generator Bottle 

The WiGL eNERGY Bottle is a reliable power source packaged within the form factor of a water bottle. This remarkable product only requires the addition of salt water to charge your devices for up to 24 hours. 

From weekend warriors and outdoor enthusiasts to those affected by natural disaster, the eNERGY Bottle is designed with any number of uses in mind. It provides a significant power source in remote locations when traditional power isn’t available.

Equipped with a USB-A port that charges at 5V and can provide up to 12,000 mAh of energy, the eNERGY Bottle has the capability to charge the user’s phone up to 3 times! 

Recharging the bottle is as simple as replacing the charging plate, then all that’s left is to hit the trail. No worrying about charging extra battery packs, disposing of traditional batteries and ruining the environment. Just safe, clean, easy power on the go. 

WiGL’s Wireless Holiday Tree is an innovative and modern take on the time honored holiday tradition. 

The Wireless Holiday Tree combines patented WiGL touchless Wireless Power Transfer Networking technologies with Energous’ transmitters to provide the user with over-the-air recharging. It can be placed anywhere in the room, as the transmitter is integrated into the outline of the tree, and the tree is connected wirelessly via a receiver. No longer will access to electrical outlets and extension cords control how we decorate! 

The WiGL Wireless Holiday Tree is the 1st ever wireless power network. With two transmitters included, and the option to add more, the range of the tree becomes near limitless.